Additional Titles








Vote Fraud: What They Aren't Telling You

Forced Mental Health Screening for Your Children







PART 2 of 2



By: Devvy

December 14, 2005

On April 1, 2001, the butchering communist Chinese government allowed one of their F-8 fighter jets playing a dangerous game to collide with one of our U.S. Navy EP-3E Aries II surveillance planes. Twenty four Americans, after a miraculous emergency landing, were then held as prisoners. Eleven days later and after thoroughly stripping down this $80 million dollar airplane and breaking our sensitive defense code, the commies released our freedom fighters and sent us back a heap of salvageable airplane parts. Those Chinese F-8 fighters have been carrying air-to-air missiles sold to China by Israel.

During those 11 days our military personnel were being held, Americans were wringing their hands in worry. The yellow ribbons went up on trees. Rightfully so, Americans were steaming big time and the families of those 24 crew members were fearful for the well being of their children, husbands and daughters. Mr. Bush issued an apology to the widow of the pilot who shot down our plane! It was truly a miracle we didn't have 24 dead service members.

On April 2, 2001, the White House, specifically Mr. Bush, stated the following: "Finally, we have offered to provide search and rescue assistance to help the Chinese government locate its missing aircraft and pilot. Our military stands ready to help." Sign me speechless in Sacramento.

We're supposed to help our enemy, the ones who just caused our plane to be severely damaged, recklessly endangering our freedom fighters, to go look for one of their cowboys who brought his misfortune upon himself? And, then what do these lying curs do? They refuse to hand over our military and all but destroy our plane while it's on the ground. Oh, good, Mr. Bush. You ever hear of testosterone? You know: Put down your foot, let these people know what they did was dangerous and wrong and then stick to your guns? No, instead Mr. Bush feels it necessary to kiss up to a murderous regime for trade dollars.

On April 3, 2001, Mr. Bush had this to say: "This is an unusual situation, in which an American military aircraft had to make an emergency landing on Chinese soil. Our approach has been to keep this accident from becoming an international incident. We have allowed the Chinese government time to do the right thing. But now it is time for our servicemen and women to return home. And it is time for the Chinese government to return our plane. This accident has the potential of undermining our hopes for a fruitful and productive relationship between our two countries. To keep that from happening, our servicemen and women need to come home."

And finally on April 11, 2001, he said the following:

THE PRESIDENT: "Good morning. I'm pleased to be able to tell the American people that plans are underway to bring home our 24 American servicemen and women from Hainan Island. This morning, the Chinese government assured our American Ambassador that the crew would leave promptly. We're working on arrangements to pick them up and to bring them home."

The real game Bush was playing and neglected to tell the American people emerged months later. On October 3, 2001, columnist Charles R. Smith wrote a piece titled 'China Seeks U.S. Military Aid' where he said:

"June 2001 meetings with Chinese Air Force in wake of EP-3 downing.

"Newly released documents show that U.S. Air Force officials met with Chinese military officers in June 2001 to discuss U.S. possible military aid for China. According to documents, the meetings took place inside China despite the "policy issues surrounding the (at that time unresolved) EP-3 situation."

Are the nuts running the asylum or what? Military "aid" for the commies? This murdering regime brings down one of our planes, holds our servicemen and women hostage and then has the gall to ask US for military "aid?" And, these talks were apparently going on while the downed plane incident was going on! America: Guess what? They made suckers out of all of us, from George Bush, Jr. to his then new world order lackey, Colin Powell. While we were all sitting around praying for the safe return of our 24 crew members, it was business as usual. Don't Americans remember that during this phony "stand-off" the commies wanted a million bucks from us for costs they say were incurred over this incident? This is a foreign policy the die hard Bush supports and these fools in Congress support? It's the money honey, always the money.

In October 2001, Bush was in Communist China (Shanghai) playing kiseey-face with Zemin in talks about the "war on terrorism" and how giving the commies everything they want in terms of free trade, is going to help in Bush's new, endless "war on terrorism." CNN quoted Mr. Bush at the time: "

He [Zemin] said that China's President Jiang Zemin expressed "his desire to join us in fighting terrorist activities."

How Zemin must have laughed his black heart out at that one. Less than a month after Bush was schmoozing with butcher Jiang Zemin, the following news item appeared. I contacted the newspaper and was told that they had copies of this putrid video:

News Telegraph, UK November 3, 2001

Beijing Produces Videos Glorifying Terrorist Attacks on 'Arrogant' US By Damien McElroy

"The Chinese state-run propaganda machine is cashing in on the terror attacks in New York and Washington, producing books, films and video games glorifying the strikes as a humbling blow against an arrogant nation.

"Communist Party officials say President Jiang Zemin has obsessively watched and re-watched pictures of the aircraft crashing into the World Trade Center. In the immediate aftermath of the attacks, workers at Beijing Television worked round-the-clock to produce a documentary they called Attack America.

"As rescue workers pick through the rubble of the twin towers, the commentator proclaims that the city had reaped the consequences of decades of American bullying of weaker nations.

"He said: "This is the America the whole world has wanted to see. Blood debts have been repaid in blood. America has bombed other countries and used its hegemony to deny the natural rights of others without paying the price. Who until now has dared to avenge the hurts inflicted by unaccountable Americans."

Two months after 9-11, one month after Mr. Bush was in Shanghai playing nice with Zemin and what do we see? Jiang Zemin and his fellow countrymen celebrating the 9-11 attack against America. This video was a big seller among the Chinese people. Certainly not all of them purchased the video to celebrate this attack on America. I received an -mail from an underground Christian who was born and lives in China. She said that it saddened her heart to see her friends and neighbors so excited and happy about what happened to America on 9-11, but that they are brainwashed from birth to hate US, but glad to bankrupt us to enrich their mother government. Shu Fang said she borrowed the video from someone because she didn't want the money to go into Zenim's dirty pockets, but that she wept and prayed for America as she watched the horrors of that day.

While Americans are buying hundreds of millions of dollars of cheap goods from the communist Chinese, they were laughing and celebrating the 9-11 attacked against US.

The American people are major consumers. We have the power to force change through our purchasing dollar. We have the power to force factories to reopen here in OUR country and to not support what you have read in this column. These dictatorships only understand money and if you take away the money by refusing to trade with them until they stop such barbaric practices as you have read in this column, you can make the difference. Humans in communist China are already suffering, so boycotting anything Made in communist China isn't going to hurt them any worse than they hurt already. Unless and until the billion plus people in China decide to rise up like our brave colonials did against the British crown, they will stay enslaved no matter how many DVD players you buy from their government.

On December 25, 2005, tens of millions of children will rip open Christmas presents, some cheap plastic junk made in communist China. Tens of millions of adults will open Christmas presents containing new electronic gadgets and clothing Made in communist China from the skins of dogs and cats skinned alive and made by women who are forced to abort their unborn babies. Just the thought makes me want to vomit because I can still hear their screams.

Click here for part -----> 1

� 2005 Devvy Kidd - All Rights Reserved

E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale

Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty, which sold close to 2,000,000 copies. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country, ran for Congress and is a highly sought after public speaker. Your complimentary copy of the 32-page report may be obtained from El Dorado Gold. Devvy is a contributing writer for

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While Americans are buying hundreds of millions of dollars of cheap goods from the communist Chinese, they were laughing and celebrating the 9-11 attacked against US.