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By: Devvy
January 12, 2014

"Then I say, the earth belongs to each of these generations during its course, fully and in its own right. The second generation receives it clear of the debts and encumbrances of the first, the third of the second, and so on. For if the first could charge it with a debt, then the earth would belong to the dead and not to the living generation. Then, no generation can contract debts greater than may be paid during the course of its own existence." --Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1789. ME 7:455, Papers 15:393

In late December 2013, thieves in the Outlaw Congress decided the only way to get a budget bill passed and avoid another partial government shut down was to screw veterans. Again:

Veterans Rip Paul Ryan over Budget's Military Pension Cuts

"Veterans and conservatives are expressing outrage toward House Budget Committee Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI). The cuts to retired service members’ pensions embedded in the budget deal cut by him and Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) elicited an overwhelming surge of social media responses....

"As Breitbart News has reported, Ryan initially claimed that disabled and injured veterans’ pensions would be exempt from the cuts—a claim he then scrubbed from an official House Budget Committee document two days before the House vote on the budget deal last Thursday. Ryan and Murray now call the fact that wounded warriors are not exempt from pension cuts a “mistake,” but Ryan's scrubbing of that document means two days prior to the House vote on the bill he was already aware of what he now calls a mistake. Nonetheless, he did nothing to try to fix it.

"The issue of wounded warrior pensions does not even address the fact that all other veterans will still see their pensions slashed if a House plan offered by Reps. Martha Roby (R-AL) and Mike Fitzpatrick (R-PA) does not succeed."

The bandits in the Outlaw Congress screwed our veterans to save $6 billion dollars over ten years: "The plan would replace the slashes to all veterans’ pensions with savings from closing a loophole that allows illegal aliens illicit access to the Refundable Child Tax Credit."

While a few Republicans tried to "fix the problem", in the end, the Democratic/Communist Party USA members won:

Democrats Hold Veterans Hostage for Corporate Tax Increases

"The Murray-Ryan budget cuts military pensions by $6 billion over ten years (roughly $600 million a year). If the senate would have closed the illegal alien tax loophole, it would have saved taxpayers $4.2 billion EVERY SINGLE YEAR. That's seven-times more than what Congress is taking from our vets. "I suggested to you that the Democrats ignored this loophole because they just want to bleed our military veterans dry. Why else would they pass on saving $4.2 billion a year just to take a fraction of that from our veterans? Well on Friday, the Democrats showed their hand: they have chosen to hold our military veterans’ pensions hostage!

"Rep. Daniel Maffei (D-NY) has introduced H.R. 3793, a bill to restore full military retirement benefits by closing corporate tax loopholes. And with that, Rep. Maffei has shown what the Democrats’ plan is. "The Democrats are using our veterans as pawns in their political agenda. They rejected the Republicans’ proposal to close the loopholes abused by illegal aliens because they have bigger fish to fry and it would be counter-productive to punish one of their voting blocks."

ILLEGAL aliens are more important than our veterans and national security. Liars, cheats and thieves, illegals, get priority treatment over those who are ready, if necessary, to give their lives for our country. It costs you and me more than $100 BILLION borrowed dollars at the federal level for illegal aliens in just one year. That's not counting the taxes we are fleeced for every year at the state level to pay for illegal aliens in welfare and crime - hundreds of billions of dollars. But, there's no money to honor the commitment made to our veterans.

Three months prior to the vote betraying veterans, maniacal Nancy Pelosi said this:

"House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says that while deficit reduction is a laudable goal, there are precious few spending cuts left to negotiate in exchange for raising the debt ceiling. "The cupboard is bare," the California Democrat said in an interview aired Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union." "There's no more cuts to make."

Really? The cupboard is bare? No more cuts to make?

America: Do you feel violated yet?

"US to Give $125 Million to Upgrade Pakistan's Power Sector. "Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, seeking to bolster Islamabad's fight against Islamic extremists US corporaterrorists' profits, initiated a crash U.S. assistance program for Pakistan's power sector aimed at rolling back electricity shortages that threaten to cripple the South Asian nation's economy. Mrs. Clinton, on the first of a three-day diplomatic mission to Pakistan, said that Washington will disburse $125 million to Islamabad for the upgrading of key power stations and transmission lines....

"H.R. 2878: Solar Villages Initiative Act - To authorize microenterprise assistance for renewable energy projects in developing countries.

"(e) Authorization of Appropriations- There is authorized to be appropriated to the President to carry out this section $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2010, $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2011, $15,000,000 for fiscal year 2012, $15,000,000 for fiscal year 2013, $20,000,000 for fiscal year 2014, and $30,000,000 for fiscal year 2015.

"H.R. 3077: Global Food Security Act of 2009

"(i) Authorization of Appropriations- There is authorized to be appropriated to the President for the purpose of carrying out activities under this section--

"(1) $100,000,000 for fiscal year 2010;
(2) $200,000,000 for fiscal year 2011;
(3) $300,000,000 for fiscal year 2012;
(4) $400,000,000 for fiscal year 2013;
(5) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2014.

"Americans will be wearing rags and stealing food while being plundered in more taxes to send around the world."

That was my column in 2009. I hope you take the time to read the entire list of rape against we the people in the link above which are different from the ones below. After the Republicans took control of the House and the people's purse again in 2010, has the unconstitutional plundering stopped? No.

Without a scintilla of constitutional authority. ALL borrowed debt plus the interest shoved down our throats:

Americans Spent $7.45B in 3 Years Helping Other Countries Deal With ‘Climate Change' - Another big, fat hoax against we the people

That one illegal theft above from you and me takes care of the $6 billion the thieves in the Outlaw Congress want to save over ten years by screwing veterans out of what they were promised. Here's more of the cupboard is bare that phony conservatives like Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor, John Boehner and others have allowed instead of shutting off the money:

U.S. Will Spend $3.35M to 'Improve the Quality of Media Content'--In Armenia
USDA: $6.2 Billion Improperly Spent in 2013–$2 Billion on Food Stamp Overpayments - More gross incompetence. How much do you think was recovered?
Gov't Pays $1,123,463 to Develop Strawberry Harvest-Aiding Robots
$37,680,000,000: That's How Much the U.S. Spent on Foreign Aid in 2012

NSF Spends $82,525 to Study Self-Defense by Millipedes
NCLR Gets Chunk of $40 Mil for Minority Housing Counseling
$70 Mil To Help Communities Spend Federal Money
$20 Mil To Help States Spend Federal Money

Interior Department to Spend $600K to Radio Track Bats
The Average American Family Pays $6,000 a Year in Subsidies to Big Business
Green Energy Co. Folds after Obama gives it $99.8 Mil
Feds Spend $84K on Eco-Friendly Exit Signs for Bowling Alley, Rec Center
Feds Spend $777K On Ads Promoting NJ Blueberries, Other ‘Minor Small Fruits’

$1.5 BILLION taxpayer funded cell-phones
$1B to Be Spent to Promote Obamacare in 'Normandy Invasion' of Health System
$5.25 Million For Senate Hair Care And 21 Other Ways Politicians Are Living The High Life At Your Expense
U.S. Paying $25K to Make Park Benches from Garbage for Tijuana
Labor Department to Spend $1 Million to Increase Gender Equality in Work – in Morocco

$25 Million NSF Grant to Build Machines Smarter Than Average 3-Year-Old
Federal stimulus funds paid for new trees in posh Denver neighborhoods
White House to announce $300M in aid Friday to make Detroit safer, erase blight
Energy Department loses $42M on clean-energy loan to Mich. van company
Latino Group Wants to Expand Fraud-Ridden ‘Obamaphone’ Program - BILLIONS

Gov’t Spends $379K Texting Kids to Take a Walk
Gov't Spends $495-K For False Killer Whale Team to Meet
$2M NIH Grant to Study Effect of Cultural Stigma on Chinese Homosexual Men
$5.7M NSF Grant For Card Games, Videos To Teach Public About Global Warming

U.S. Spending $653K to 'Reduce Tobacco Use' Among Brazilian Women
$1M NIH Grant To Reduce HIV, Domestic Violence in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
78K Fed Study: Did 'Climate Change' Cause Decline of the Mayan Civilization?
NEA Awards $35,000 For 'Grow-Sculpture'
NIH to Spend $200K Studying Teenage Drinking Binges on Social Media

Obama Spends $20 M Helping Indonesian Kids Get College Degrees
$10 Million Stimulus Solar Company Can't Take The Heat, Closes
White House Pays $53 Million for Voter ID in Kenya While Opposing Same in US
Illegal Immigrant Mother of Seven Given Food Stamps, Meds, Housing and Social Security -- For 20 Years
$2.44M Fed Study: ‘Deportation and Loneliness’ Led Former Illegals to Use Drugs, Whores

NIH Awards $254K to Study Workforce Safety of Male Prostitutes in Boston
$21K Dissertation Grant Aims to Help Political Campaigns Motivate Voters
1/3 Population of Puerto Rico Gets Food Stamps from U.S. Gov’t -- $2 Billion in 2012
Feds Dig Up $98,000 to Study ‘3rd Millennium BC Mortuary Traditions’ in Oman
$658K Federal Study Tests Hypotheses of Cicada Evolution

NIH: $357K For Spanish Ad Campaign Convincing Gay Illegal Aliens to Use Free Condoms, Get Treated
DOT to Spend $1.8 Million to Encourage Kids to Walk, Bike to School
State Dep’t Building $15-Million Women's Dorms in Afghanistan
$509K Federal Safe-Sex Study Will Text 'Gay-Lingo' to Meth Addicts
U.S. Spends $228K to Find Out Why Gay Kenyans Avoid Free HIV Treatment

$4.5M Fed Study: 'Effects of Climate Change on Indoor Air
Dept. of Education Spent $20.3 Million on 10 Equity Centers To Fight the ‘Isms’
Obama Gives $737 Million to Solar Firm Linked to the Pelosi Clan

That's just a drop in the bucket. Sen.Tom Coburn's annual government waste report: $30 BILLION BORROWED dollars in 2013 wasted on nonsense, "pork" and more debt. Cut veterans pensions to save $6 billion dollars over ten years, but it's okay, Nancy Pelosi, to rape we the people to the tune of $30 BILLION borrowed dollars in one year alone to fund insanity.

The cost of the unconstitutional, grotesque invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan alone have cost almost $4 TRILLION BORROWED dollars. Vile politicians who send our troops into undeclared wars then turn right around and penalize them by taking away what they were promised as a condition of their service. BOTH parties. Why? To save money to spend on all the above and more because believe me, that's just a short list of saved items in my RAPE file.

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Every time you vote for your incumbent in the Outlaw Congress you are voting to give YOUR executioner the rope to hang YOU. Voting for any incumbent who voted for that budget bill is rewarding them for screwing our veterans. Again.

Every time you vote for your incumbent in the Outlaw Congress you are rewarding them for destroying this republic by voting for unconstitutional programs stealing us blind under unconstitutional cabinets like the EPA, Federal Dept of Education, Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of Health and others. The cupboard isn't bare, the entire house is empty.

This link is the roll call of votes to screw veterans out of their pensions.

Click here to visit home page.

© 2014 - and Devvy - All Rights Reserved

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Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty; 2 million copies sold. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country. She left the Republican Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter ever since. Devvy isn't left, right or in the middle; she is a constitutionalist who believes in the supreme law of the land, not some political party. Devvy is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists.

Devvy's regularly posted new columns are on her site at: You can also sign up for her free email alerts.

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In late December 2013, thieves in the Outlaw Congress decided the only way to get a budget bill passed and avoid another partial government shut down was to screw veterans. Again: