By Thomas R. Horn
October 20, 2009
Trestleboard Dates: The Start and Finish of the Great Work
We have
seen over and over that the seal’s symbolism leaves no doubts as
to the identity of the deity behind the all-seeing eye, or to the prophecy
from the mottoes regarding the return of the deity known at various times
in history as Apollo, Osiris, and Nimrod.
This leaves the second issue that needs to be resolved from the Great
Seal’s "trestleboard" as to the timing of the work: when
it was started and when it is scheduled to be completed.
One key to the starting date of this mystical work is magnificently ciphered in the number 888, the sum of the letters in Greek for the name of Jesus (each Greek letter represents a number). This cipher also confirms the prophecies of Psalms 118 and Acts 4 concerning Jesus as the rejected capstone, because this same number—888—is also found in "the riddle" of the Sibylline Oracles, ascribed to the Cumaean Sibyl, which J. L. Lightfoot says was hoped by some early Christians to represent Jesus, but was clearly understood by pagans to be a prophecy of the return of Apollo. [1] 888 was Olen’s number, the founder of Apollo’s oracle and his first prophet, and signified the "spiritual sun" represented in the glory surrounding the all-seeing eye of Apollo/Horus on the Great Seal, and the novus ordo seclorum or "new age" that his coming would herald. Gnostics and mystics among the occult hierarchy maintain this interpretation as the true meaning of the Apollonian Sibyl’s prophecy. The text in question comes from the Sibylline Oracles:
Then will come to men the Son of the Great God, coated flesh, similar to mortals on earth.… But I want to tell you the whole [of his] number: eight units [8], so much tens in addition [80], and eight hundreds [800, or 8+80+800=888], here are what to the friends of incredulity, to men, the Name will reveal; but you, in the spirit, thinks well of the immortal and very high Son of God, to the Christ. [2]
So here
we have two "messiahs" represented by the number 888—Jesus,
the Christ of the Bible, and Apollo, the Sibyl’s messiah of the
novus ordo seclorum. What is astonishing about this is that adding
the number of these two messiahs together (888+888) equals the year 1776—the
date chosen for the founding
of the United States and reflected in the Roman numerals at the base of
the uncapped pyramid on the Great Seal.
Adepts of the mystical order actually go to great lengths to show how this addition of 888+888=1776 is the "cardinal number" of the "great work" also known as the "eagle of eagles" reflected in the well-known Masonic symbol of the two-headed eagle or phoenix, which Masonic dictionaries define as historically representing the "merger" of two gods (in this instance, Jesus with Apollo). [3]
Given everything else we have learned from the works of Freemasons like David Ovason and Manly P. Hall, this date, 1776, representing two messiahs—the rejection of one in favor of the other—is not likely a mistake. Thus, the trestleboard’s 1776 "beginning" date for the great work of the Craft truly marked the start in history of the secret doctrine of Freemasonic Illuminatus toward establishing a New Atlantis in anticipation of the return of their founder and deity, Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod.
To further verify this part of the cipher pointing to an "alternative capstone" or second messiah, the year 1776 at the base of the pyramid is understood by Masons worldwide to be the year 5776 Anno Lucis ("in the year of light"). This is because Masons of the ancient Craft add four thousand years to the common date, the number of years that conventional theology assumes creation began before Christ: thus, 4,000+1,776=5,776.
Why is this important? Because 5,776 is exactly how many inches high the Great Pyramid in Giza would be when completed with its capstone, a sacred fact to occultists. Completing the pyramid symbolically in this way is central to the rituals and mysticism of Freemasons and numerous Illuminated fraternities. This has been true throughout the ages, and is why this symbolism was encoded on the Great Seal and remains at the core of esoteric ambition today. The year 1776 thus represents 1) the trestleboard date on which the great work and secret destiny began; and 2) is a prophetic marker toward the descent of the eye of Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod upon the uncapped pyramid in accomplishment of the Great Work.
Yet if the year 1776 represents the starting date on the trestleboard toward the accomplishment "of which the United States Government was dedicated from the day of its inception," as Manly P. Hall said, what date did the Master Masons envision that the work would be finished in order that Hiram Abiff (Osiris/Apollo/Nimrod) could return to inhabit his temple? This is found in the modern Jewish calendar as well as the Scottish Rite Freemasonry, who, unlike their other brethren, prefer adding 3,760 years to the common date. In order for this superior side of Masonry to arrive at the appropriate number for their finished pyramid and the completed work (the height of the pyramid with its capstone reaching upward of 5,776 inches), they have to add the future date, 2016, to the common era, or 3,760+2,016=5,776.
This is important for several reasons, not the least of which is that, if the culmination of the Illuminati enterprise is concluded in 2016, it is prophetically related to the infamous future year 2012—the end of the Mayan Long Count calendar. The year 2012 could therefore represent in Christian eschatology the beginning of Great Tribulation, with 2016 representing the "midst of the week" when Apollo (Antichrist) presents himself as God and enters the temple in Jerusalem.
Recurrence of 2012 and 2016: What is the Significance of These Dates?
As the reader will discover in my upcoming book Apollyon Rising 2012, the year-dates 2012 and 2016 appear on dozens of occasions in connection to the Masonic prophecy of the coming of Hiram/Osiris/Apollo. We will reveal how these years are encoded on the Great Seal of the United States and several other important Masonic ciphers, including the true Lost Symbol (this part of the book is going to shock people), the Capitol Dome in Washington DC, and the first degree Masonic trestleboard. But first let me offer several tidbits related to end-times scenarios that some readers may find interesting.
I mentioned above how the year 2012, being three and one-half years before the Masonic ending date 2016, could thus be viewed as the beginning of the Tribulation period. However, a more disturbing scenario that some believe could also fit with prophecy is that 2016 instead represents the end, not the middle, of the Great Tribulation period—which would mean the year 2012 would actually be the "midst of the week" and the reign of Antichrist would have started mid-2009. Though we see no solid evidence of this at this time, scholars believe the first three and one-half years of Antichrist’s kingdom holds relative calm anyway, even temporarily producing what at first appears to be answers for mankind’s greatest needs, and that during this time the Antichrist is not known for who he really is. Ordo ab Chao first creates chaos, then answers to earth’s problems begin to arrive just as the world is losing hope. Then, in the "middle of the week" things explode and people understand who they have put into position of unparalleled earthly authority.
Using this premise, there are several possible supportive facts for 2009 as the beginning of sorrows, including that the end of the Mayan calendar, December 21, 2012, is three and one-half days before Christmas that year. Consider that the book of Revelation, chapter 11, describes the two witnesses who prophesy for 1,260 days before Apollo kills them and they lie in the street of Jerusalem for three and one-half days. Note what it says happens:
And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwell on the earth. And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them. (Revelation 11:9–11)
It is possible that the text above is describing the two witnesses being killed during the Christmas season, because people are making "merry" and sending gifts to one another around the world. As David Flynn emailed me, "What other international holiday besides Christmas results in people worldwide exchanging gifts (the lexicons literally say ‘presents’) to each other? The description of the two witnesses as ‘candle stands’ also connects them to Hanukkah, which occurs immediately before Christmas. This strongly suggests the two witnesses are killed sometime near, but before, December 25."
This could mean the end of the Mayan calendar—December 21, 2012—is the very day the two witnesses are killed by Apollo, as this Mayan ending-date is three and one-half days before Christmas. This would also indicate that the middle of the Great Tribulation period is December 21, 2012.
On the other hand, people who believe in a pretribulation Rapture would point out that the "catching away" of the saints did not happen in 2009, and therefore the Masonic date 2016 might better represent the "midst of the week" (see Daniel 9:27; Revelation 11–13) when Apollo (Antichrist) presents himself as God and sets up the "abomination" in the temple in Jerusalem. Under this scenario, the year 2012 would represent the beginning of the Great Tribulation period, three and one-half years before mid-2016.
That the year 2012 marks the beginning of the Great Tribulation not only could fit with Bible prophecy, as it is in the "midst of the week"—three and one-half years into the Great Tribulation period—when Antichrist enthrones himself as God in the temple, this would also conform well with the Masonic and Great Seal prophecies forecasting the return of the Great Architect and Hiram Abiff (Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod), who enters the finished temple as god, in this case, mid-2016, which is three and one-half years following 2012.
In what could also be a related fact, June 21, 2016, is exactly three and one-half years after the Mayan ending-date of December 21, 2012, and June 21 marks the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere when a cusp line is created between Gemini and Cancer, signs that David Ovason referred to as having deep astrological significance to the founding and secret destiny of America.
It is also very important to recognize that, based on Daniel chapter 9 and related texts, scholars believe a period of not more than seventy years (a biblical generation) will elapse between the reformation of Israel as a nation and the return of Jesus Christ. When seventy years is added to 1948—the year Israel was formally recognized as an independent nation by the United Nations—it brings us through the year 2018. Does this mean that the year 2019—exactly seven years after 2012—would mark the year that Jesus Christ returns with the armies of heaven to establish His rule over earth? J. R. Church called me to stipulate:
If Christ referred to a seventy-year generation when He said, "This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled" (Matthew 24:34), then he could return at anytime before the seventy years is up. This is not meant to set a date, but to simply speculate on the concept that our Savior addressed.
This advice would seem more in line with the first scenario above, that the seven-year period of Tribulation began in 2009, though J. R. personally would certainly not set "dates." Interestingly, Islamic scholars also view this time as prophetically important. The author of The Day of Wrath, Safar Ibn `Abd Al-Rahman Al-Hawali, writes at
When Daniel specified the period between its distress and relief, between the era of anguish and the era of blessing, he put it as forty-five years! We have already seen that he specified the time of the establishment of the abomination of desolation as the year 1967, which is what in fact occurred. Therefore, the end—or the beginning of the end—will be 1967 + 45 = 2012.
The most remarkable connection between these dates is that the Maya themselves recognized a direct link between the number thirteen and the years 1776 and 2012 in cycles and illustrations in a way that academic Richard N. Luxton found to be similar to prophecies of the "Christian Last Judgment." He translated and annotated The Book of Chumayel: The Counsel Book of the Yucatec Maya 1539–1638, and noted on katun 13 Ahau:
The dates that accompany the illustrations approximate real counts. Katun 13 Ahau ended in 1539 and began in the Colonial Count in 1776.… The traditional theme of agreement as the end of the eastern katun cycle in 13 Ahau is intermingled here with elements of the Christian Last Judgment. Whether this paradigm was also intended for the end of the Long Count in 2012 is open to question.[4]
ceremonies and prophecies accompanied Mayan katuns, and Luxton’s
connection to the "Christian Last Judgment" and the thirteen
katuns (a katun is approximately 19.7 years) between 1776 and 2012 is
drawn from the prophecies of the Mayan prophet Chilam Balam. Written down
in about the year 1595, the oracular Chilam Balam, or "jaguar"
shaman, said the end of this period would witness the judgment of God
in the form of social collapse, epidemics, plagues, and famine. The same
period would see the coming of two great prophets,
one after the other, according to the Mayan prophecy. Is this the False
Prophet paving the way for the Antichrist?
It is no coincidence that the start and ending dates of the final thirteen katuns of the Mesoamerican Mayan Long Count calendar are reflected in the thirteen steps of the pyramid on the United States’ Great Seal. That the steps of the pyramid were intended to convey units of time has been an open secret for many years. Though he was not sure what to make of it himself, Paul Foster Case wrote many years ago that:
Since the date, 1776, is placed on the bottom course of the pyramid, and since the number thirteen has been so important in the symbolism of the seal, it is not unreasonable to suppose that the thirteen courses of the pyramid may represent thirteen time periods. [5]
John Kehne made an even more intriguing observation, directly coupling the Great Seal’s trestleboard date, 1776, and the Mayan ending date 2012:
This Seal shows a thirteen-step pyramid with 1776 in Roman numerals.… [The year] 1776 was not only the year that the Declaration of Independence was signed, but was also a special year in the Mayan calendar. Just as the last katun in the Great Cycle is "katun 2012," the first katun in the cycle of thirteen was "katun 1776." In fact, the katun ended thirty-three days before the signing. So 1776 is the bottom level of the pyramid, where the date is actually inscribed—the top of the pyramid is therefore 2012. [6]
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As readers of my upcoming book will discover, early Freemasons and America’s founding fathers were very much aware of the significance of these dates—1776, 2012, and 2016 respectively—and while the thirteen steps of the unfinished pyramid on the Great Seal account for the timeframe 1776–2012 using the slightly less than twenty-year periods (19.7) of the katun, the Gregorian twenty-year cycle produces 1776–2016, both of which fit perfectly within the trestleboard dating on the U.S. Great Seal cipher and the first Masonic tracing board, as we will reveal.
[See the U-Tube clip above: Apollyon Rising 2012: The Lost Symbol Found and the Final Mystery of the Great Seal Revealed]
[Editor's note: This series is based on research contained in Tom Horn's upcoming new book: APOLLYON RISING 2012: The Final Mystery Of The Great Seal Revealed. Sign up to be notified when APOLLYON RISING 2012 is released and get $60.00 IN FREE GIFTS! Sign up here!]
Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,
Manly P. Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, pg 19, Philosophical Research
Society, 3341 Griffith Park Boulevard, Los Angeles 27, California, 1976
Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, published by the Supreme Council of the
Thirty Third Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States
Charleston, 1871. Pg 819
The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, pp 20, Lucis Press, 1957
Manly P. Hall, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction to Practical
Ideals, p. 433, Published by Philosophical Research Society, Incorporated,
P. Hall, The Secret Destiny of America, pg 26, Philosophical Research
Society, 3341 Griffith Park Boulevard, Los Angeles 27, California, 1944
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Thomas Horn is the CEO of and
Over the last decade, he has authored three books, wrote dozens of published editorials, and had several feature magazine articles. In addition to past articles at , his works have been referred to by writers of the LA Times Syndicate, MSNBC, Christianity Today, Coast to Coast, World Net Daily, White House Correspondents and dozens of newsmagazines and press agencies around the globe. Tom's latest book is "The Ahriman Gate," which fictionalizes the use of biotechnology to resurrect Biblical Nephilim.
Thomas is also a well known radio personality who has guest-hosted and appeared on dozens of radio and television shows over the last 30 years, including "The 700 Club" and "Coast to Coast AM." When looking for a spokesperson to promote their film "Deceived" staring Louis Gossett Jr. and Judd Nelson, "Cloud 10 Pictures" selected Thomas as their spokesperson to explain the Christian viewpoint on UFO-related demonology.
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