By Thomas R. Horn
January 10, 2013
Petrus Romanus, PROJECT LUCIFER, and the Vatican's astonishing exo-theological plan for the arrival of an alien savior. You only think you know what's coming...
mentioned in earlier entrees, the mountain range in Arizona where the
Mt. Graham International Observatory and the LUCIFER
device resides is considered one of the holiest mountains in America for
the Apache Indians.
History suggests part of the reason native peoples considered it “holy” -- and partly why the mountain was selected by the MGIO consortium -- involves unusual heavenly activity there in ancient times when UFOs called “spirit lights” moved through the sky, something that seems to have contributed to their attribution of “powers” to the solar system, the location of metaphysical 'portals,' and other supernatural phenomena. The Apache Creation Myth is telling in this regard, as a particular version involves the “One Who Lives Above” and who descended in a flying disc at the start of creation. “In the beginning nothing existed—no earth, no sky, no sun, no moon, only darkness was everywhere,” the legend starts before noting; “Suddenly from the darkness emerged a disc, one side yellow and the other side white, appearing suspended in midair. Within the disc sat a bearded man, Creator, the One Who Lives Above.”
While no single “Apache Creation Myth” dominates all tribal beliefs, most groups share key precepts as well as symbolism within their oral histories. Besides the creator who rides in a heavenly disc, a Dragon with the power of speech turns up, bargaining with men, as well as supernatural gateways associated with mountains (ch’íná’itíh) through which spirit beings can come. Sometimes these spirits are represented by the Owl (to an Apache Indian, dreaming of an Owl signified approaching death, while the Hopis see the Burrowing Owl [Ko’ko, “Watcher of the dark”] as the god of the dead and the underground), which is fascinating given the connection with “alien abduction” accounts where the Owl is a disguise wherein the abductee is led to believe the bug-eyed alien in their memory was actually an Owl they had seen somewhere and had lodged in their memory. Owls have been associated throughout Christian history with sorcery and flying witches and the source of these legends seem to mirror many abduction tales, which we shall consider later. Suffice to say these ancient native ideas involving flying discs, flying creators, spirit lights, Owls, a talking Dragon or great serpent, and even supernatural gateways tied to mountain ranges began long before the Vatican cast its eyes on Mt. Graham.
In 1988, an American science fiction-horror film titled “They Live” (directed by John Carpenter) depicted a nameless drifter played by professional wrestler “Rowdy” Roddy Piper who discovers the ruling elite are in fact aliens that have hypnotized the human race and are managing human social affairs through subliminal messages concealed in memes and mass media. In an important early scene, Nada, as the Piper character is called, enters an alleyway and finds a box containing black sunglasses. He puts on a pair and soon discovers they include a very special filter. Looking through them he can see “the reality of the bleak world,” that global media and advertising actually contain totalitarian commands of obedience and conformity in consumerism, to control an unwitting human population by humanoid aliens with grotesque skull-like faces. [i] Though a commercial failure at the time, the film eventually made its way to the top 25 Cult Classics, where it remains presently, according to Entertainment Weekly Magazine. [ii] The film and theatrical posters can often be found today in mocking editorials depicting the goals of totalitarians and elitists, but another suggestion of the work that usually goes without discussion is how the world really might be infested with non-human agents of an unknown reality, about which the bulk of mankind is unaware.
First, from a purely incorporeal reality, we know that demons and their militaristic interest in people and geography are ontological facts, according to the Bible. In the Old Testament, demons are seen as the living dynamic behind idolatry (i.e., Deuteronomy 32:17), and in the New Testament, every writer refers to their influence. Extrabiblical texts including ancient pseudepigraphical works like the first Book of Enoch and post-New Testament writings such as the Didache, Ignatius’ Epistle to the Ephesians, and the Shepherd of Hermas agree with this concern. Early church fathers also reinforced the belief that evil spirits seek to thwart the will of God on earth through attacks on the body of Christ in particular and against society in general, as unseen intermediaries—both good and evil—interlope between spiritual and human personalities at home, in church, in government, and in society. Understanding how and why this is true is defined in demonological studies such as the divine council (a term used by Hebrew and Semitic scholars to describe the pantheon of divine beings or angels who administer the affairs of heaven and earth), where experts typically agree that, beginning at the Tower of Babel, the world and its inhabitants were disinherited by the sovereign God of Israel and placed under the authority of lesser divine beings that became corrupt and disloyal to God in their administration of those nations (Psalm 82). Following Babel, these beings quickly became idolized on earth as gods, giving birth to the worship of “demons” (see Acts 7:41–42; Psalms 96:5; and 1 Corinthians 10:20) and the quest by fallen angels to draw mankind away from God. While the dominion of these entities and their goals are frequently overlooked, close collaboration between evil ones and unregenerate social architects operates on a regular basis outside the purview of the countless multitudes who are blinded to their reality. In other words, as suggested in the film “They Live,” behind governors, legislators, presidents, dictators, and even religious leaders, wicked spiritual powers move throughout the machine of ecclesiastical and civil governments and media as freely as they are allowed. Whenever such principalities recognize a religious or political body that has become a force for moral good, they set about—through a sophisticated labyrinth of visible and invisible representatives—to bring that organization down, one righteous soul at a time.
It is within this concealed arena of evil supernaturalism that unregenerate men are organized. Under demonic influence, they are orchestrated within a great evil system (or empire) described in various scriptural passages as a satanic order. In more than thirty important biblical texts, the Greek New Testament employs the term kosmos, describing this “government behind government.” It is here that human ego, separated from God, becomes hostile to the service of mankind while viewing people as commodities to be manipulated in the ministration of fiendish ambition. Some expositors believe the origins of this phenomenon began in the distant past, when a fire in the mind of Lucifer caused the powerful Cherub to exalt himself above the good of God’s creation. The once-glorified spirit, driven mad by an unequivocal thirst to rule, conquer, and dominate, spawned similar lust between his followers, which continues today among agents of dark power who guard a privileged, “cause-and-effect” symmetry between visible and invisible personalities.
At Satan’s desire, archons command this supernatural, geopolitical sphere, dominating kosmokrators (rulers of darkness who work in and through human counterparts) who in turn command spirits of lesser rank until every level of earthly government, secular and religious, can be touched by this influence. If we could see through the veil into this domain, we would find a world alive with good against evil, a place where the ultimate prize is the souls of men and where legions war for control of its cities and people. With vivid testimony to this, Satan offered Jesus all the power and the glory of the governments of this world. Satan said, “All this power [control] will I give thee, and the glory of them [earthly cities]: for that is delivered unto me: and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine” (Luke 4:6–7).
According to the epistle of the Ephesians, it is this dominion, not flesh and blood, where opposition to God’s will on earth is initiated. Whereas people and institutions often provide the “faces” on our problems, the conflict originates beyond them, in this place where unseen forces scheme. These forces may indeed be more influential than anyone ever imagined. In fact, there is a strong likelihood that the first murder recorded in Genesis was demonically inspired (in a manner which parallels the so called “alien abduction” phenomenon in interesting ways.) Did you ever wonder why “sin” is personified when God warns Cain "If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him" (Ge 4:7, underline added). Doesn’t it seem odd that “sin” is a “him” and if Cain does not do well he will be sin’s desire? How can “sin” have desire? Apparently, there is something more going on here and scholars have uncovered surprising answers.
The wonderful thing about archeology is that we now have a greater understanding of the Bible’s context than at any other time in history. Scholars have translated a wealth of tablets from Mesopotamia which not only add contextual clues to scriptural references but provide insight into borrowed Semitic vocabulary. In this case, a careful examination of the Hebrew text leads many evangelical inerrancy-upholding scholars to see the participle (Heb. robe) rendered “lieth” in the KJV (or “is crouching” in other versions) as an Akkadian loan word, rabiu, for a demon (ancient Hebrew has no vowels so ‘rbs’ offers this flexibility).[iii] Of course, there are other scholars who balk, preferring a less supernatural exegesis, but the context of the passage supports the demonic interpretation. Sin does not lie in wait but demons do. Biblical scholar John Walton agrees, “The fact that the text mentions the desire to master Cain favors rabiu as a demon.”[iv] Thus, just prior to the first murder in history, “sin” is depicted as a doorway-demon waiting for an opportune time, an invitation which comes all too soon.
The ancient Akkadian literature reveals more astonishing data. In medical texts, inflicted individuals are depicted as having “walked in the path of a rabiu” and “a rabiu has seized him.” The root meaning of this term means ‘one who lies in wait’.[v] Uncanny parallels to modern abductions are seen in the descriptions of demons who ambush their victims in various locations: rabi uri, “the rabiu of the roof”; rabi nari, “the rabiu of the river”; rabi arbati, “the rabiu of the wasteland.” It seems there was a rabiu for just about anywhere, even a rabi musâti, “the rabiu of the toilet.” Now that’s disturbing! Ill manners aside, consider the rabi uri, “the rabiu of the road.”[vi] Might Barney and Betty Hill, while driving late at night on that lonely road, have encountered something like the latter manifest physically in modern garb?
But What If There Is Something More—Something Embodied?
What if the incorporeal or uncarnate reality described above is only part of the story? What if in at least some instances there is something more physical than the whispered influence demons can have on the human mind? What if there are tangible human hybrids walking among us; fit extensions for incarnation or embodiment of powerful alien-demonic entities, such as the creatures in the movie “They Live” or the Nephilim of ancient days? Is such a concept too incredible to be substantive? Would you be surprised to learn that some very intelligent people—including academics and scholars—believe (to borrow a line that Carol Anne so ominously expressed in the 1982 film Poltergeist) “They’re here.” And is this secret knowledge why Vatican Astronomer Guy Consolmagno (see entry #2) sent us the story of the Nephilim from the Bible as an example of the kind of “space saviors” man will soon look to for salvation, suggesting that Jesus himself was the product of alien-human hybridity?
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Among secular and religious researchers today there is a contentious behind-the-scenes debate going on in this regard, which has been growing in intensity over the last few years among those who recognize first of all that genetically modified plants, animals, and yes, humans are now reality (documented in the next entry). Unnatural forms of life first sprang up in ancient days and according to the Bible this is a repeatable phenomenon—that is, human hybridization not only happened in earliest times, but was followed by at least a second wave during the days of Abraham, Moses and the Davidic kingdom, and, more importantly, was prophesied to erupt once more in the latter days. Therefore, we shall show unequivocally that the question is not whether humans were, can be or are being hybridized, but whether alien/demon agencies are involved in the process. If so, does this imply something very uncomfortable, which most of us do not want to think about; that a form of “human” exists that quite possibly cannot be redeemed?
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Coming up next: Human Hybrids Among Us?
Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4,
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Thomas Horn is the CEO of and
Over the last decade, he has authored three books, wrote dozens of published editorials, and had several feature magazine articles. In addition to past articles at , his works have been referred to by writers of the LA Times Syndicate, MSNBC, Christianity Today, Coast to Coast, World Net Daily, White House Correspondents and dozens of newsmagazines and press agencies around the globe. Tom's latest book is "The Ahriman Gate," which fictionalizes the use of biotechnology to resurrect Biblical Nephilim.
Thomas is also a well known radio personality who has guest-hosted and appeared on dozens of radio and television shows over the last 30 years, including "The 700 Club" and "Coast to Coast AM." When looking for a spokesperson to promote their film "Deceived" staring Louis Gossett Jr. and Judd Nelson, "Cloud 10 Pictures" selected Thomas as their spokesperson to explain the Christian viewpoint on UFO-related demonology.
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