By Thomas R. Horn
June 20, 2014
PART 4 - Will Beast Tech Provide Conditions For A Global "Lucifer Effect"
2013 I published the book Beast
Tech. In it is considered how much of technology
today appears to be sufficient for use by the coming Man of Sin—in
particular, human tracking and monitoring utilities, including versions
of embeddable smart tattoos and biochip devices that may provide some
aspect of the Mark of the Beast.
A related area of equal concern we did not have time to address in that book involves the social implications involving technology and how it can be used by unseen forces to challenge religious faith or to open channels for spiritual warfare. This has been illustrated in thousands of ways down through time—from the creation of Ouija boards for contacting the spirit world to online pornography gateways. But, lately, the course on which technology and transhumanist philosophy seems to be taking mankind threatens to quantitatively elevate the potential for a global Lucifer Effect.
How so?
that the key to Dr. Milgram’s and especially professor Philip
Zimbardo’s findings (see parts 2 and 3 of this series) involved
the need to deindividualize the victims of abuse, the Internet and
associated forms of electronic information-driven technology are important
to understand in light of how they are creating a new kind of society
by “rewiring our brains’” ability to sympathize
with others, says Nora Volkow, world-renowned brain scientist and
director of the National Institute of Drug Abuse. For one thing, the
lure of “digital stimulation” can actually produce dopamine
releases in the brain that affect the heart rate and blood pressure
and lead to drug-like highs and lows. Studies show this addictive
craving for digital stimulation is leading to the electronic equivalent
of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) among a growing population in
which constant bursts of information and digital stimulation undermine
one’s ability to focus—especially in children (tomorrow’s
adults), whose brains are still developing and who naturally struggle
to resist impulses or to neglect priorities. A growing body of literature
is connecting such digital dependence to personality fragmentation,
cyber relationships over personal ones, and the very type of psychosocial
issues that were manifest in the Stanford Prison and Milgram experiments.
Today, Volkow and similar researchers see these antisocial trends
leading to widespread, diminished empathy between people—what
Antichrist will need—as a result of humans paying more and more
attention to iPads, cell phones, and computer screens than to each
other, even when sitting in the same room. New research shows this
situation becoming an electronic pandemic as people escalate their
detachment from traditional relationships while consuming three times
as much digital information today as they did only a decade ago, checking
e-mails, texting thirty-seven times per hour, and spending twelve
hours per day on average taking in other e-media. Add to this phenomenon
how brain-machine interfacing (BMI)—one of the hottest emerging
trends in the marketplace—will multiply the divide between human-to-human
relationships versus human-machine integration, and substantial concern
for readers should be raised for several reasons, including how: 1)
BMI will naturally exasperate the decline of the family unit and interpersonal
relationships upon which society has historically depended; 2) the
increase of euphoric cybernetic addiction will multiply as cerebral
stimulation of the brain’s pleasure centers is added to existing
natural senses—sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch; and
3) the threat of computer viruses or hijackers disrupting enhanced
human neural or cognitive pathways will develop as cyber-enhanced
individuals evolve. To illustrate the latter, Dr. Mark Gasson, from
the School of Systems Engineering at the University of Reading in
the United Kingdom, intentionally contaminated
an implanted microchip in his hand that allows him biometric entry
through security doors and that also communicates with his cell phone
and other external devices. In the experiment, Dr. Gasson (who agrees
that the next step in human evolution is the transhuman vision of
altered human biology integrated with machines) was able to show how
the computer virus he infected himself with spread to external computer
systems in communication with his microchip. He told BBC News, “With
the benefits of this type of technology come risks. We [will] improve
ourselves but much like the improvements with other technologies,
mobile phones for example, they become vulnerable to risks, such as
security problems and computer viruses.”[1]
Such threats—computer viruses passing from enhanced humans to enhanced humans via future cybernetic systems—are the tip of the iceberg. The real danger, though it may be entirely unavoidable for some, will be the loss of individuality (or, as Zimbardo phrased it, social deindividualizaton), anonymity, privacy, and even free will as a result of cybernetic integration. Dr. Christopher Hook contends, “If implanted devices allow the exchange of information between the biological substrate and the cybernetic device,” such a device in the hippocampus (the part of the brain involved in forming, storing, and processing memory) for augmenting memory, for instance, “would be intimately associated with the creation and recall of memories as well as with all the emotions inherent in that process.” Hook continues:
If this device were to allow the importation of information from the Internet, could the device also allow the memories and thoughts of the individual to be downloaded or read by others? In essence, what is to prevent the brain itself from being hacked [or hijacked by Antichrist]? The last bastion of human privacy, the brain, will have been breached.[2]
Despite these significant ethical and social dangers, industry and government interest in the technological dream of posthumanism, as documented in the highly recommended book Forbidden Gates, is more than laissez-faire. The steady migration toward the fulfillment of biologically and cybernetically modified humans, combined with corporate and national investments, will predictably fuse this century, ultimately leading to strong cultural forces compelling all individuals to get “plugged in” to the grid. Whoever resists will be left behind as inferior Luddites (those who oppose new technology), or worse, considered enemies of the collectives’ progress, as in former counterterrorism czar Richard Clark’s Breakpoint, which depicts those who refuse technological enhancement as “terrorists.”
According to the work Human Dignity in the Biotech Century, this pressure to become enhanced will be dramatic upon people in all social strata, including those in the middle class, law, engineering, finance, professional fields, and the military, regardless of personal or religious views:
Consider whether the military, after investing billions in the development of technologies to create the cyborg soldier would allow individual soldiers to decline the enhancements because of religious or personal qualms. It is not likely. Individuals may indeed dissent and decline technological augmentation, but such dissenters will find job options increasingly scarce.
Because the network of cyborgs will require increasing levels of cooperation and harmonious coordination to further improve efficiency, the prostheses will continue to introduce means of controlling or modulating emotion to promote these values. Meanwhile, the network [will be] increasingly controlled by central planning structures to facilitate harmony and efficiency. While everyone still considers themselves fully autonomous, in reality behavior is more and more tightly controlled. Each step moves those who are cybernetically augmented toward becoming like the Borg, the race of cybernetic organisms that inhabit the twenty-sixth century of the Star Trek mythology. The Borg, once fully human, become “assimilated” by the greater collective mind, losing individuality for the good of the whole.[3]
Lest anyone think the writers of Human Dignity in the Biotech Century are overly paranoid, consider that NBIC (Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology, and Cognitive Science) Director Mihail Roco, in the US government report, Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance, wrote,
Humanity would become like a single, distributed and interconnected “brain” based in new core pathways in society. A networked society of billions of human beings could be as complex compared to an individual being as a human being is to a single nerve cell. From local groups of linked enhanced individuals to a global collective intelligence, key new capacities would arise from relationships arising from NBIC technologies. Far from unnatural, such a collective social system may be compared to a larger form of biological organism. We envision the bond of humanity driven by an interconnected virtual brain of the Earth’s communities searching for intellectual comprehension and conquest of nature.”[4]
Nowhere will the struggle to resist this human biological alteration and machine integration be more immediate than in those religious homes where transhumanism is seen as an assault on God’s creative genius, and where, as a result, conservative Christians will seek to maintain their humanity. Yet the war against such believers is poised to emerge over the next decade as much from inside the “organized church” as it will from external social influences.
the Internet “has unlocked something dark in humanity,”
says acclaimed
author Anthony Horowitz in a recent newspaper interview.[5]
Horowitz, a best-selling children’s fiction writer in the UK,
was speaking at the Oxford Literary Festival when he described how
parts of the Internet are “foul, disgusting and cruel”
and that “evil is getting the upper hand.”[6]
His passionate comments came on the heels of relentless and vicious
online feedback he received following a television appearance. Mr.
Horowitz is certainly not alone in this experience, as any notable
writer can attest—especially Christians who pen edgy, newsworthy,
or prophetic material.
And yes, that includes me and people like me. In fact, every leader with whom I am associated in news, print, television, and social media has been under growing attack the last few years, and not from those you would expect. Religious Christians, not unbelievers per se, form the largest part of the swelling ranks of warfare aimed at silencing our work. Because such discontents cannot (yet) stop people from hearing our voices, they (and/or the spirit behind them) at a minimum seek to divide and confuse ungrounded babes in Christ who, while seeking a deeper relationship with Jesus, end up online. Those who would destabilize these believers have always existed, of course. I witnessed ingrates in every town where I pastored throughout the 1970s–1990s. But today the Internet has given such malcontents a place to hive and to hide behind screens while using spiritual-sounding titles and websites to voice their ungraciousness. And while their audiences are very small at this time, their contaminated spirits threaten to take root and could explode under the coming legions that will fuel the empire of the Son of Perdition. In fact, I can say unequivocally from decades of experience that the most powerful instruments of satanic conflict by far are those demons of religion who can infect and infest institutional Christianity. As we noted in Forbidden Gates:
Just as a lying spirit filled the mouths of the prophets in 2 Chronicles 18, and just as Jesus confronted unclean spirits inside the synagogue (Mark 1:23) and connected some of the priestly leaders of the Temple to the strongest power of Satan on earth (John 8:44; Matt. 13:38 and 23:15), robust echon daimonion exists today from the lowest to the highest levels of denominational establishment among institutional members who are possessed (whether they perceive it as such or not) by luciferian ambition. This will come as no surprise to seasoned spiritual warriors, as it is the result of a common military strategy. The church represents the single establishment on earth capable of undoing Satan’s plans, and is therefore the natural enemy of the kingdom of darkness and the epicenter against which all spiritual wickedness must ultimately be focused. The church, through its hierarchies and institutional constructs, is therefore the primary target for infiltration by agents of darkness wherever human weakness allows for penetration by daimonions. Among others, the apostle Paul recognized this specific danger, warning the church in Corinth that “false apostles” were masquerading among them as ministers of Christ. “And no marvel,” he revealed, “for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness” (2 Cor. 11:13–15).[7]
Writing about such activity within evangelical institutions, Rev. David Wilkerson reported a short while before his death that:
A number of [former] witches are warning that Satanists are infiltrating the church—especially charismatic churches. Some of these [are] telling of a diabolical plot by evil witches to enter congregations posing as super-spiritual Christians. Many of these evil witches, they say, are already firmly established in numerous churches, controlling both the pastor and congregation and causing great confusion, wickedness, divorce—even death. We have received many letters in our office from people who say they believe their pastor must be under some kind of demonic influence—and I believe many of these letters are very legitimate.[8]
Wilkerson, who at one time was a member of the same organization we [Tom and Nita Horn] served, was correct in asserting that some of those who pose as super-spiritual Christians, online “teachers,” department leaders, pastors, and even state office holders and denominational headquarters executives are in fact instruments of evil. Thankfully, there are other church members, pastors, and leaders who, as sincere believers, have become increasingly aware of this sinister invasion into organizations by daimonions and in recent years have made special efforts to teach their congregations how to identify the differences between “religious spirits” and true Christianity.
Sometimes “identifying” their misdeeds is not really all that hard to do.
For example, just about every solid Bible expositor I know has been tirelessly harassed online the last few years by fake defenders of the faith. Yet, not once have these self-proclaimed “guardians of the truth” actually followed the Bible’s mandates themselves, mandates that very specifically outline how believers are to deal with error in the church. The New Testament books of Matthew, Galatians, Thessalonians, Romans, and others provide guidelines for dealing with differences between true believers. These verses teach us that if we perceive a brother or sister as falling into error, we are to go to him or her PRIVATELY in a spirit of humility and redemption.
If those we approach will not receive our advice, we go to the elders of the church PRIVATELY and share our concern. If the elders believe the issue is legitimate, they go to the person PRIVATELY in hopes of restoring him or her. If the person still refuses council, the church is to have nothing more to do with him or her. With that in mind, the next time you are online reading some diatribe about Chuck Missler, Gary Stearman, Steve Quayle, David Flynn, J. R. Church, L. A. Marzulli, Cris Putnam, Jonathan Cahn, yours truly, or any of the other current favorite targets, ask yourself if the hatchet people attacking them ever bothered to obey Scripture and go to the person PRIVATELY with their concerns in a loving spirit of restoration (they haven’t), and then “be careful little eyes what you read,” because destructive forces seek to contaminate your mind and spirit (see Prov. 4:23–27) in order to prep you for service to the dark side.
Be absolutely clear about this, too: NOTHING in Scripture allows for setting up websites, blogs, or other mediums to PUBLICALLY and routinely lambast believers with accusations—that is the job of Satan and his followers! He is the father of lies and the “accuser of our brethren…which accused them before our God day and night” (John 8:44; Rev. 12:10).
Simply put, the words of Jesus that “ye shall know them by their fruits” (Matt. 7:15–16) have never been more important. These instructions of Christ should also serve as a warning to all believers to monitor their own motives, to examine their hearts, if truly they are altruistic or if in fact they are energized by selfish ambition, because the latter is the Lucifer Effect Antichrist will use to energize the coming war between Christian vs. Christian, a time when it will be eternally important to know you are on the right side.
COMING UP NEXT: Will Genetics Also Play a Role in a Global Lucifer Effect?
Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
© 2014 Thomas Horn - All Rights Reserved
Contumacy is a stubborn refusal
Thomas Horn is the CEO of and
Over the last decade, he has authored three books, wrote dozens of published editorials, and had several feature magazine articles. In addition to past articles at , his works have been referred to by writers of the LA Times Syndicate, MSNBC, Christianity Today, Coast to Coast, World Net Daily, White House Correspondents and dozens of newsmagazines and press agencies around the globe. Tom's latest book is "The Ahriman Gate," which fictionalizes the use of biotechnology to resurrect Biblical Nephilim.
Thomas is also a well known radio personality who has guest-hosted and appeared on dozens of radio and television shows over the last 30 years, including "The 700 Club" and "Coast to Coast AM." When looking for a spokesperson to promote their film "Deceived" staring Louis Gossett Jr. and Judd Nelson, "Cloud 10 Pictures" selected Thomas as their spokesperson to explain the Christian viewpoint on UFO-related demonology.
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